I originally tested painting the emergency markings around the cockpit, however found that I was having to sand an repaint many failures, and that the best results I could get still had issues and were just not pretty.
I decided to get Vinyl Decals cut for the Emergency Markings around the cockpit me after failed painting attempts. I designed them on the panels in CorelDraw, then sent them to an online cutting service. Costs were around $30 AUD for the entire coclpits markings
Version one and the more realistic version two of the Downlock Override Decals and button. I'd never be able to get such a perfect marking like this with masking and paint.
These printed decals I had made up for around $20 online. They were made to for the front corners of the fire handles, and I later used them for the Canopy Jettison handle surround as well.
Printed decals applied to the fire handles.
The printed decal in place on the Canopy Jettison Handle. Note the prototype Jettison Handle which was way to thicc.
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