The Indexers are not realistic A-10C ones, which are mounted on the canopy frame. I decided on using F-16C replica indexers, as i knew they would be mounted on the top if the glareshield like an F-16C. The dimensions I found on Viperpits, and i made the body out of 3mm Laser cut acrylic, and the top and glare covers from sheet tin.
I shortened the glare covers on mine, they are longer in an F-16C. The metal i used was actually cut from the side panel of my old gaming PC! I also removed the brigtness dimmer levers that are on the F-16 design, as i wouldnt need them because the A-10C has a dimmer on the lighting control panel.
The final thing all painted up and ready to mount.
I already had some decals that came with the ACES-II Decal Set (meant for an F-16C) that completed the look.
Both indexers were later added to the side of the Hud Frame on brackets, F/A-18C Style. The front is clear Acrylic, painted black then the Arrows and text was reverse engraved. Read more about the HUD here.
The coloured LED's are based on an F-16C, as I was sick of NVIS Green LED's on everything!
They are run by the Arduino Mega behind the MIP, running DCS-BIOS.
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